Check out this clip from The Daily Show that featured an interview with George Lucas.
I find it interesting what Mr. Lucas has to say about the groups that love/hate the various Star Wars properties, and it is nice to note that he/LucasFilm has taken the time to do some research into the matter. I’m also very interested in Lucas’ book, and I think it may be one of my book purchases for 2010.
Lucas actually is a pretty likable guy in public. I find it strange how people act like they have a personal problem with him just because he made a movie or two that they didn’t like.
^^ I agree! That was a pretty good interview. I think people expect him to have this god-complex because of his creations, but he seems like a pretty down to earth sort of guy…a sci-fi geek who is never happy with what he comes up with. At least thats my take. Jedi was the best :)
Empire Strikes Back was the Best! George is from a generation of Film Geeks who loved the old movie serials. Spielberg, Coppola, Scorsese, & Lucas (sounds like a law firm )were all film school friends who helped each other out on various projects and used to geek out on film history very much in the same way some people geek out on comics D&D or pop culture. Maybe one day a group of talented enterprising individuals will create a worthwhile podcast and accompanying website to accommodate such interests.
Lucas is a Sith lord he is clouding your minds!!!…Of course he’s a nice guy. He probably just got a bit to much creative control. But hell if Jon Stewart didn’t make that interview more awesome than should be allowed.