Another section of the puzzle arrived late yesterday from Marvel, and when joined with the first two parts, the bigger picture continues to emerge. Did anyone think we would see the big reveal in this installment? Is anyone still in the dark as to who Peter is reaching for?
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
I like the look of the Lizard. Reminds me of the original Dikto designs.
Wonder if he is jumping for Aunt May. Maybe they will kill her now and show that making deals with Mephisto never ends well. Or better yet, let Parker regain his memories but remain in the same One More Day continuity and try and figure out how to get everything back to the way it was.
Oh well. One can dream.
“Dream” being the operative work. Sorry if I’ve been sounding jaded, but this isn’t the first time a Spider-Man promotion has been made deliberately misleading. Remember the marriage promotion that had certain parts covered?
Oh, I have no doubt that this is misleading. They could have a couple of versions ready to go, see how the public reacts, drop in the version that fits where they thing no one expects it to go. Remember Armageddon from DC so many years ago? Word leaked that the Monarch was Captain Atom, and suddenly it became Hawk? And that was pre-internet.
Hell for all we know that could be “Mayday” Parker in the undisclosed piece. Really screw Peter up and let the current version know he gave up a wife AND daughter AND son to selfishly keep his aunt alive.
Oh, I have no doubt that this is misleading. They could have a couple of versions ready to go, see how the public reacts, drop in the version that fits where they thing no one expects it to go.
Given what actually gets printed in comics these days, and how late many of the titles end up being, I sincerely doubt that anyone really prepares two versions of anything.
(As for “Armageddon 2001,” it wasn’t a single issue, it was a line-wide crossover feature over the entire summer, with a lot of time to prepare the eventual swerve that came…)
I already told you. It’s Starfire trying to pull Peter out of the Marvel U. ^_^
Its obviously Wade Wilson with his dainty little fingers.
And I like the look of the Lizard also for I am a great big fan of the more monstrous monster designs. These days all monsters look like discoloured body-builders with glue on antenna, horn or other. The Monstermen probably sparked this preference of the more grotesque humanoid design. And this Lizard reminds me (Big gaping mouth) of my favourite humanoid-monster design which is that of the Parasite found in issue 5 of All-Star Superman. There’s much more mileage in the uncanny valley of the monster humanoid than in the completely monstrous or the semi-human. And this one is more snake like..which is cool..cause like snakes.
Are we supposed to assume it’s Mary Jane? I’m not falling for an impending swerve…