More pieces to the puzzle that Marvel sent Major Spoilers yesterday.
Put them both together and you get…
Notice the other hand that Peter is reaching for…
My guess is we’ll see more tomorrow.
More pieces to the puzzle that Marvel sent Major Spoilers yesterday.
Put them both together and you get…
Notice the other hand that Peter is reaching for…
My guess is we’ll see more tomorrow.
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
Yes, through the use of modern technology I have figured this out
Ummm…its Spider-Man-ish
Its funny cause we both did the same thing there,,, yeah, no, I know
is the other hand gwen?
Might as well be. Joe already went out of his way to get the Spider-Man *HE* wanted; might as well just close the circle.
Hm. Sucking face with Carly Cooper I see….
Is that the cheap Gwen clone created for BND? ;p
Just to be different, I’m going to say he’s reaching for Starfire’s hand so he can escape into the DCU.
Gwen Stacy: Rebirth…by Geoff Johns…
“Gwen Stacy: Rebirth” by Geoff Johns…
Gwen: I’m so amazing but conflicted.
Spidey: You’re so amazing.
Harry: Gwen rocks, she’s so amazing.
Gwen: But am I amazing? I think I should mope for a bit.
Aunt May: Take your time, dear, you’re amazing.
Mary-Jane: I hate Gwen. Why is she amazing?
Spidey: Eat shit, bitch, she’s amazing.
Gwen: I have come to the realization that I really am quite amazing.
“Gwen Stacy: Rebirth†by Geoff Johns…
Supplant Gwen Stacy with Barry Allen, and we’ve already read this book.