Brian Singer, director of the first two X-men movies is returning to Marvel movies to develop and direct “X-Men: First Class”. Singer let the information slip during an interview on the red carpet at the Avatar premiere.
The story is still in the early stages of development but will deal with the first meeting of Charles Xavier and Magneto and involve the creation of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, the school masquerading as the headquarters of the X-Men.
Jamie Moss has been hired to write the script with Singer. And while this will tell the early lives of the first two films’ X-Men characters, new characters will also be created. As long as the film doesn’t slip into 90210, One Tree Hill, New Moon territory, and stays true to the original comic book, this could be a really good movie.
Staying “true to the original comic book” hopefully doesn’t mean inappropriate thoughts from Xavier about Jean. Also, please no Wolverine cameos.
Even though my overall excitement about comic book movies is at all-time low, I say reboot the whole thing and let God sort out the details.
It can’t be overly true to the First Class because the movie universe has established that Iceman and Angel are significantly younger than Jean, Scott and Hank, and join the X-Men later. So I guess they will include Storm and Wolverine instead?
I’ll probably go see it, but my expectations are really low.
In the end, it’s just a cruel reminder that we had to go thru 3 Wolverine movies to get here and, since we have no cast yet, we have to assume that were not getting the original 5 and in their place will be Cyclops, Jean Grey, Emma Frost and the rest of the Katzenjamer Kids that were in the 3rd sub-par Wolverine movie. Also, who are they gonna fight? Sinister?
That little blurb doesn’t help either. All that tells me is that this a vehicle for Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen and that the movie will be fused with the former Magneto movie. Doesn’t give me much hope.
Crap on X3 all you want, but X1 and elements of X2 didn’t age so well either. After the last Superman movie, I rather they get a new director altogether. Not bashing Singer, but a fresh perspective is needed in the X franchise. Perhaps someone from another genre.
and PLEASE no Greymalkin 90210!
Crap on X3 all you want, but X1 and elements of X2 didn’t age so well either. After the last Superman movie, I rather they get a new director altogether. Not bashing Singer, but a fresh perspective is needed in the X franchise. Perhaps someone from another genre.
Mmm… The X-Men films did what they needed to: The built a franchise. The problem comes when movie continuity and established comics continuity don’t jibe. When they killed Cyclops, the implication was that he was useless to the team and story. In the movies, that’s pretty much true… In the comics, it’s almost unheard of.
As for Singer, Superman Returns had a central problem that was insurmountable to overcome: Superman as homewrecker. Put that in ANY movie, and you’re done. That’s like having Spider-Man IV start out with a three-way between him, Gwen, and Mary Jane. Sure it’s trendy and causes drama, but it ain’t Pete Parker.
If it’s going to be a prequel to the films, then Wolverine can’t be in it. He didn’t meet Xavier and company until the first movie. Wasn’t there a Magneto movie planned? Will this fit into the plans for that? Given their roles in the films, I see Jean, Scott, Hank, and Storm as likely candidates. Everyone else was too young or introduced in the films.