Titan Books has announced it has a new book coming out in February 2010 that goes in depth into the making of the Mark Millar Kick-Ass movie.
Kick-Ass: ‘Creating the Comic, Making the Movie’
Release date: 23/02/10
Publisher: Titan Books
(W) Mark Millar, Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman
(A) John Romita Jr.Features:
• Never-before-seen John Romita Jr. art, including new pages drawn especially for the movie.
• Mark Millar’s early comic book script pages.
• Mark Millar’s own story, tracing the intertwined evolution of the comic and the movie.
• Hundreds of movie photos, sketches, storyboards and pieces of production art.
1 Comment
The reviews for the movie have been insane – havent read a bad one yet …
Matthew Vaughn’s KICK ASS – Rough cut, that has received its R-rating somehow, BLEW THE AUDIENCE THE FUCK AWAY! To me, I haven’t seen a film this badass since John Woo’s HARD BOILED. This is far more entertaining than that though, creating many ICONIC and thoroughly mind blowing sequences. Possible contender for best advance screening in history of BNAT. Got audience, clapping in time to the beat as Hit Girl makes The Bride look like a pussy. With Matthew and Red Mist on hand! http://www.aintitcool.com/node/43363