This issue: What happens to those four following their major battle in the keep? Will the Monsters of the Void devour the envoy, or will they make their escape and warn their tribes?
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hey y’all. Feel free to comment about this episode here, but I also started a thread on the major spoilers forums about Critical Hit in general.,1251.0.html
going there will probably get you a faster and more detailed response from me and the players than the comments section.
Great show as always, Matthew you should check out a character from the game “League of Legends” called Blitzcrank AKA the great steam golem. His taunt is “the time of man has come to an end”, while attacking he scream “exterminate, exterminate”, looks like the Iron Giant from Disney and his dance move is the macarena : p
The moon-spider creature Rodrigo described in the “How the other half live” section inspired me to create this creature in Spore. I love the descriptions and flavor that Rodrigo uses as DM.
That is really creepy… but very cool
Really thought it was funny that Stephen questioned the usefulness of the elven tribe that D&D brian is in because of his low rolls. Gotta switch up those dice man, they are killin ya. Rodrigo would probably have to beef up encounters if you started hitting more often.
Even among the Elves there are friendly rivalries. Everyone knows the Elves of the Black Oak Woods ROCK!
Quick question/suggestion for the next Listener Q&A segment:
Steven’s made a big deal about the dice-rolling software on his iPod Touch. I stumbled across an iPod Touch app called ‘i4e’ that is designed to store character sheets, track hitpoints/healing surges/powers expended etc during combat and so forth.
There were some interesting video tutorials on the developer’s website and at $3.99 I’ve been seriously tempted to try it out.
Steven’s a gadget-guy, maybe it’d appeal to him to give it a look-see and review it.
I already have it :D
I like how Mathew used diplomacy and were is the secret elf handshake that you siad you were going to post
Twitter Summary: #CriticalHit #Ep22 Skillz challenge to escape the keep. “Diplomacize the horses” of legend. Speech from Roboshat FTW. Secret Elf Handshake.