The Billy Batson and the Power of Shazam! series from Johnny DC continues to offer up kid friendly superhero action. Derek Fridolfs, whipped this piece up, and it really captures the excitement one would expect from the property.
I’ve been in a bit of a Shazam fix. Have enjoyed looking through some of the old classic books, as well as the more recent comics put out by Jeff Smith and Mike Kunkel, and wanted to try to capture a bit of that magic while having a lil bit of me in there as well.
While I have a range of tastes, I do tend to like a lot of all ages and kids comics. And I think Billy Batson & Shazam is one of those really perfect gifts in comic form that really needs to be championed out there.
A bit blasphemous for me as a self-described inker to do this, but I decided to draw this up sans inks, only as pencils, and then have it go straight to colors. I wanted to see what it might look like for fun, and also not be stressed trying to ink myself. Because a lot of times, the tighter I pencil and larger I draw, the more stiff my stuff becomes. Don’t worry…will be inking away on new stuff shortly