Previous ArticleReview: 28 Days Later #1
Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
What an interesting style. The shading and composition are great. Her other pieces reflect a nice variety as well. I hope as she says (on her Deviant page) that she is able to do more pieces of her own interest.
That’s the most adorable Stargirl I’ve seen. The style is simple but consciously so, creating a pleasant work. In the right book, this would work well.
Me likes.
I like the art here, but something about the costume itself doesn’t sit right with me: Is there a practical purpose for the bare midriff? She has long sleeves and gloves and combat boots that almost reach her knees, but a bare midriff? (She’s like Supergirl with biker shorts–except that we know Supergirl is modeled off of Paris Hilton– ….)
Maybe I’ve simply internalized my public schools’ “no bare midriffs” policy…. (Is that a common policy these days? If it is, does that mean Stargirl and Supergirl are the only teenaged girls allowed to bare their stomachs during work hours?)
I like the art here, but something about the costume itself doesn’t sit right with me: Is there a practical purpose for the bare midriff?
Not really, no. But since Stargirl, unlike Supergirl, is not presented as a hypersexualized loli-girl, I don’t think there’s been quite the backlash that we’ve seen against Kara’s low-rider micromini.
Also worth asking: Is there any practical reason for a poiny eared cowl?
Or a cape?
Shorts on the outside?
Placing your repulsor rays on the palm of the hand rather than the entire forward facing portion of your armor?
Having a large porthole in your decolletage?
Fins on your calves?
Big Moen faucets on the side of your bright red mask?
Green pixie boots and chainmail panties?
Mirrored eye-slots?
Bright red pirate boots and a striped midriff?
Blue and yellow tiger stripes?
Knee boots and a flared jerkin?
Star-spangled panties and a metallic bustier with sharp edges?
White gloves on a dominantly black and green uniform?
A mask that looks like a tupperware crab?
Waistlines so low they require special shaving?
A big gold sash across your waist that could be used to drag you down and kill you?
A helmet that limits your neck mobility when you should be fighting in 360 combat in outer space?
Hell, the only superheroes whose costumes really make sense are Reed Richards (form over function), Tommy Czuchra (who covers his whole body in rock and earth) and Jon Osterman (who chucks the whole question and runs around allowing everyone to play Doctor with his little Manhattan, if you’re pickin’ up what I’m throwing down.)