Here’s a look at Hal Jordan sporting the costumes and rings of the other Lantern Corps. The action figures were exclusive only to the San Diego Comic Con, and attendees could only buy two per day, which means they’re up on eBay now, with very high asking prices. Right now, one complete autographed set is going for $450.
Thanks to Gilbert for the tip!
Been trying to stay far away from Blackest Night, but I got to admit, those are some DAMN fine looking figures!
But in regards to the eBay, $450?! That’s like $90 a figure! And take into account that if you where to have them pro graded, the autographs would actually count against them. Only figures I wouold go that high for are some of the vintage Super Powers or Marvel Secret War stuff.
But hey, to each his own right. I probably would have had to pick them up if I had been at the show…
I for one am very happy DC Direct decided to NOT go for a “Star Sapphire Hal” action figure. That would give a whole new (and appropriately creepy and horrifying) meaning to the term “Star- Crotch.”
Very cool figs nonetheless!
I would love to have the set but I just can’t come to terms with parting with that much money for them.
@Sam:Yeah, everybody knows that Guy would look way better! Even if the crotch LED lamp would add to the price, I’m sure there are people who wouldn’t mind getting such an interesting night light.
All the fashionistas are talking about the newest runway darling, Hal Jordan, here modelling this year’s Lantern Collection.
– Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and you can take it all the way in this classic green ensemble, a tried and true favorite from Oa.
– Marvel at this Wasp-inspired beauty from top designer Sinestro and show them you’re not afraid to take the world by storm.
– Show your confidence in true blue style with this elegant ensemble by the exciting new design team of Sayd and Ganthet. We have high hopes for this dynamic duo!
– New designer Lar Fleez launched his ‘Agent Orange’ line of trendy styles to instant controversy, when it was revealed that purchasers don’t actually own their new garments, they’re only licensed to them. This caused consternation when several customers had their purchases revoked, while they were wearing them.
– Service fees and gas prices got you down? Feeling surrounded by fools and stepped on by the Man? Give ’em what-for in this Atrocitus original and give a new shine to road rage!
I am sending you a bill for the monitor I just blasted with a noseful of diet pepsi.
I find it disappointing that Johns didn’t try to be that extra bit creative and have Hal briefly taken over by a male version of the Star Sapphire uniform – say, an intergalactic version of a stunning tux, or maybe a nice long coat over a more standard-looking uniform?
(Ergh, out of all of the Blackest Night buildup the Sapphires are the weakEst link. The uniforms, the limited power, the all-female-membership for a Corps that is meant to embody the Love of an entire Universe – with a huge number of worlds, hence a huge number of species, DNA sequences, chromosomes, hormones…there’s bound to be more than two sexes/genders to choose from.)
Anyway: minus Violet and Indigo, this set feels incomplete. A 3D model of the covers to “Tales of the Corps” would be better – adding Black Hand and replacing Carol with that Sapphire who was recently introduced in the GLC arc “Sins of the Star Sapphires”. Her uniform was in general much better than Carol & Fatality’s, which are of such a degree of horrible that even Doug Mahnke can’t make them look good.
yay! go me!