It’s the final slide shown during the Boom! Studios panel at the con. Is this a new project, or is this another clue as what is going to happen in Irredeemable?
I’m gonna have to bug the crap out of Chip Mosher to find out what’s going on with this. That or stalk Mark Waid on Twitter until he gives up the goods.
Are they gonna continue with the negatory prefix titles ’till Mark Waid is “Incontinent”!?
Mark Waid is Antidisestablishmentarian!
Mark Waid is Irregardless!
is inconceivable?
As long as it’s not “incomprehensible”… wait it’s not written by grant morrison, never mind.
Beating that dead horse like its got a bad case of the T-virus and ive got red on me!
I’ll never tell!