I really have serious doubts about what is going on in the minds of H’wood these days. If they aren’t hacking a property to death with an unedning array of sequels, the studios are rebooting franchises, or remaking movies ad nauseum. What happened to the days of original flicks?
The latest set of movies in active development are from Ridley and Tony Scott who are producing a prequel to the classic Alien film, as well as The A-Team, based on the NBC television series. The producers swear up and down that the Alien movie is not a remake, but rather a prequel to the first Alien movie, which might be kind of interesting, but after the AvP series, I think both of those franchises might want to give it a rest.
As far as the A-Team goes, this version features
a group of Iraq vets wanted by the U.S. military for a crime they didn’t commit. Their adventures combine helping the innocent while running from the law. Story has been given a modern twist by involving oil tycoons and laser technology.
The A-Team arrives June 11, 2010. I’m not too sure about oil tycoons and lasers, but if it has a scene involving buttermilk and an airplane, I’m sure it will pack ’em in.
via Production Weekly
Well, Hollywood’s rehashing ideas or killing a good idea with sequels because mainstream producers are just looking for the cash. Even independent films aren’t so independent anymore. Nevertheless, the “independent” films do at least have some original ideas if you’re looking for a real cinema experience.
The prequel to the Alien franchise sounds horrible. The original film was classic because it twisted the genre of horror and sci-fi by casting a female character who’s still sexy while being tough. This film just sounds like it’s trying to cash in on scary creatures.
I love the A-Team show, but what made the show great was the cast… so, how are they going to do that? Plus, how dare the producers modernize the film. The show being dated was the best part!
yeah, the individual characters that made up the A-Team is what made it so cool. That and the uncanny way the villains always locked the team up with an entire workshop of crap so that they could build their way out…kind of like Ironman…crazy.
And I’m surprised it took them this long after AvP to do another solo flick for either monster. But the first Alien movie was lightning in a bottle. It will be hard to make another that good
I pity the foo who tried to recapture the awesome of the A- Team.
And I ain’t gettin’ on no airlapne!
What’s probably going thru their minds? it’s probably that we’re suckers and we’ll see all their crap because their using our cherished memories against us. Take these 2 ideas and the GI JOE movie. Tell me their not just trying to cash in on our childhood memories.
Too bad fandom can’t organize and tell these greedy f’ers to do better.
People pay for them, so Hollywood makes them. I tell my friends I refuse to see the new Terminator movie (because Terminator 3 sucked so much) and they look at me like I’m crazy.
People are such fanboys of these properties that even with a known history of crummy movies, they’ll go see the latest one– for example, the two recent Hulk movies. The first one was a disaster, yet despite that, people went to see the second in droves.
Any A-Team remake that doesn’t involve Mister T will, simply put, be little more than the jibba-jabba. It would be nothing but an act of foolishness, worthy of scant pity at best.
Now A-TEAM fans know how STAR TREK:TOS, I SPY, STARSKY AND HUTCH and even LAND OF THE LOST fans feel