A super great week, here at Major Spoilers! Not only did this week see Free Comic Book Day offer up a ton of free comics for fans and n00bs alike, it was also a week where Major Spoilers saw it’s largest month of growth to date!
There were also some other things that happened that you might be aware of:
- Wolverine opened bigger than expected, despite that nasty swine flu, and leaked Intardwebz copy
- There actually is a fourth issue of Legion of 3 Worlds
- There are also titles from companies other than the big two.
- For those that followed all the links in that last one, is there a connection between the link selected for big, and the one used for two? Sounds like a word association game, if you ask me.
- Adam West loves Arby’s
- Mark Waid does an interview, and gets the Intardwebz all abuzz by confirming things we already suspected.
What will this week bring, and will it be better than last? The answer, Dear Reader, is always Yes, at Major Spoilers.
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Things I learnt from Major Spoilers this week:
1) you can NEVER have too many pictures of Megan Fox