Well this is an interesting turn of events. The weekly conversation with Marvel Editor in Chief Joe Quesada is ending over at Myspace’s Comic Books.
Yeah. This will be our last week here. We didn’t really give any advance warning, ’cause we wanted to go out business-as-usual, and hopefully with a bang as well. The big thing is, right now my schedule is just in…sane with work, and I find myself not being able to find the time and devote myself to this column as I’d like to…
We’ve had a lot of fill-ins that have been great, but it’s more than I’d like in a column we call MyCup o’ “Joe.†Someday I’d like to come back to this—hopefully sooner rather than later—but I’d like to come back to it in a way that I can really devote the proper time to it. So really, I need to thank all the editors and creators that helped and filled in. They were great. And the editors have really, really helped me with the fan questions. I’m still hands-on with all the macro-, more global planning of the Marvel U, but not so much in the fine detail. I usually don’t know specifically what villain will be appearing in issue #87 of a title, so they’ve helped me fill in all the blanks. Kudos to the guys and gals, they’re the best team of editors in the world and I’ll kick anybodies ass who says otherwise.
MySpace Comic Books promises to continue the Marvel coverage with exclusive Marvel Previews during the all-new Marvel Fridays! That can mean one of two things; 1) MySpace Comic Books will actually have exclusive previews, or 2) the rest of us will have our Marvel previews taken away as Marvel gravitates toward alienating all the other comic websites out there. Let’s just hope the Marvel goes with #1.