Marvel is already offering Japanese Spiderman, X-Men: Evolution, and Wolverine and the X-Men in a streaming format for you. The company is now giving fans of everything Marvel another series – X-Men: The Animated Series from 1992.
More episodes will be rolled out on a regular basis, according to the company.
Back then Sabretooth was strong enough to hurl a police car over a building, and Jean Grey looked like Terry Farrell.
Absolute joygasm.
Last year I was going through my old video collection and I found one with an X-Men epsiode. I recalled I’d recorded a few episodes but I discovered I had 3 long tapes of them and I didn’t even remember most of them. To this day whenever Apocalypse is in a comic I hear his voice as it is in the cartoon. Such quotes as “I am as far beyond mutants as they are to you” and “I am Eternal”
The series also had a very strange angle on Time.
Ah, the memories. The old X-Men was a part of my youth. And, in hindsight, after watching some of the other Marvel Series of the 90s, it still stands out as the best of them (admittedly, it has aged).
There was also a Japanese opening to the series, with some more stylish animation: