Ah, the good ol’ days when men were men and cartoon characters sold cigarettes to the masses.
It’s weird seeing stuff from 50 years ago that today would send parents groups and health organizations after any network or sponstor that would dare try such a thing.
One of the most amazing thing ive ever seen god bless America
What occurrs to me is to wonder what would garner an equal response in another 50 years. How about in 50 years people are watching McDonalds commercials talking about how family groups then would protest the idea of flogging junk food to people. I don’t have anything against McDonalds myself, I’m just thinking of something people these days take as natural, just as 50 years ago people thought smoking was just normal.
Very true and very smart Randallw i agree with you a 100%
It was sad when Wilma died of lung cancer. Fred was left to raising Pebbles. He was not a capable father and she became a dancer at the Spearmint Rhino-saurus.
Recently I was riding on the DART rail in Dallas when I stepped over a scratch-off lottery ticket, the theme of which was the Flintstones. The age laws for cigarettes are the same as for lottery, so it would seem that very little has really changed.