Out of the frying pan and straight to jail
If you’re a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, and you’re looking for something else to read, you owe it to yourself to pick up Hexed from Boom! Studios. Instead of hunting the undead, young Lucifer is caught in the middle of a mystical heist gone wrong, that’s landed her in one of those life and death situation those cute girls with powers are always getting themselves into. Hexed #3 reveals the the big plot, a race to save a friend, and a view that gets Lucifer a get out of jail free card.
Face to face with her demon master Harlot, Lucifer discovers Dietrich’s master plan. Seems her nemesis has plans on killing Madame Cymbaline, thus starting an all out war among those in the underworld with thousands of mortal caught in the crossfire. Luckily Harlot isn’t willing to just give the information away, but will let Dietrich have the book that contains the information he seeks, providing Lucifer doesn’t get the book first.
The pissing contest between Harlot and Dietrich is classic as each time Harlot suggests a way she could terminate Dietrich’s life, he whips out another talisman that gives him the upper hand. Michael Alan Nelson plays the scene cooly with the two casually exchanging quips and threats, while Luci throws her hands up in frustration. It’s a scene that plays extremely well.
Of course what kind of issue would it be if the bad guy won in the first few pages, and as one would expect, Dietrich has the means to coerce Luci into giving up the book – killing her best friend, and employer, Val. Knowing she has nothing to lose, Luci abandons Dietrich in the demon realm hoping to get word to Madame Cymbaline before Dietrich can act on his plan. This involves a lengthy car chase scene that so funny, I want to see it and Luci’s monologue included in the Hexed movie — should one get made.
The high speed chase by the first time driver, lands Lucifer in the pokey. In order to escape, she needs to enlist the aid of a minor demon she once saved, which leads to the second best scene in the entire issue – Luci “accidentally†exposing her naughty bits to the water beastie as she tries to hide it from the jailer. The issue ends on an up note and cliffhanger that could spell trouble for the teenager who doesn’t have her talismans to protect her.
There is so much more action and back story reveal that happens in this issue that shows Nelson isn’t just slapping this series together as he goes. Each installment brings new information about the lovable thief that makes me wish this were an ongoing series instead of a limited run. Perhaps sales will be high enough to prompt Boom! Studios to ask Nelson to write a followup series. Of course this series isn’t over yet, and the finale could find Luci dead, which would render my hopes moot. Still, Nelson’s writing is so solid, I now want to seek out some of his other works.
There are very few comics that reduce me to a babbling fan boy; Hexed certainly falls in that category. If you like mystical stories set in the modern world, with an engaging heroine and fantastic art, then this is the series for you. Hexed #3 earns a solid 4.5 Stars out of 5.