“Will Eisner was my mentor, and The Spirit was so awesome a property that I at first thought I was not worthy to do it. And then I couldn’t think of anybody else who was, so I decided that I was the right man for the job.â€
– Frank Miller on The Spirit movie
oh boy, sorry. as much as i like Miller’s work, he need to get down from whatever he got on.
Oh, I’m sure he’s joking. He said something similar at his press conferance at Comic-Con, and it got the crowd to laugh. I’m interested in the Spirit and will see it some time next week, but here’s how I see the numbers falling on the week of Christmas:
1.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2.Marley and me
3.The Spirit or Bedtime Stories
4.The Spirit or Bedtime Stories
Sometimes people should realize they came to the right conclusion in the first place. The sad thing is the movie going public will eat this shit up and not realize how butchered and misogynistic (sp?) Frank Miller has made everything.
Just a side thought: Aside from Ronin, which really wasn’t all that much of a success, and Sin City, has Miller ever thrived using an original idea? ‘Course, seeing how Sin City is so derivative maybe I should lop that off the list too.
it’s the important thins is not doing something original, but doing something right. of course he made his name with old characters (daredevil, batman) but he did it in an awesome way.
of course i have yet to see the movie, but seeing the trailers and pictures, i’m under the impression he should stay in comics.
Mmm. There was some interesting stuff going on in Miller’s work for Marvel and DC.
Ever since the advent of Sin City, he’s become (to me) less a creator and more of a performer, somewhat in the vein of Dave Sim, in that *Frank Miller* is the point of what Frank Miller is doing, not the work itself. Sin City’s strange hybrid of hardboiled thriller and ultraviolent bloodbath did nothing for me, and turning a character like the Spirit into a dark hard-edged Miller character does even less.
It’s best not even to get me started on 300, a dark and impenetrable chunk of history devoid of content, forced down my throat like a shotgunned Milwaukee Beast at a frat party…
The week of Christmas goes like this by my guess..
1- Bedtime Stories
2- Marley and Me
3 -Benjamin Button
4- Valkyrie
5- Yes Man or The Spirit
I’m leaning toward “Yes Man”, no one I know has any interest in “The Spirit” unless they are aware of the source material, and even then its morbid curiosity. I won’t even watch it on TV, looks terrible. They should have gotten Brad Bird.