We’ve already told you about Alex Johnson playing Saturn Girl in the upcoming Smallville episode featuring the Legion of Super-Heroes. IMDB has updated the show’s cast naming Ryan Kennedy as Cosmic Boy and Calum Worthy as Lightning Lad.
The scheduled date for the show is in January, which just so happens to be the same month the Legion of Super-Heroes comic ends with issue #50. Nice timing. Of course the first appearance of the Legion occurred in Adventure Comics #247, and DC is wisely launching a new Adventure Comics series in February, so maybe someone is on the ball after all…. BWA-HA-HA-HA! Who am I kidding?
With the exception of the gal, the guys hired to play the Legionaries are some kinda pussy douchebags.
@el charro
Umm okay…Do you assert that “fact” from just these headshots or have you actually experienced anything played by these actors..who seem extremely unknown.
I mean seriously did they touch you bathingsuit area, easy now.
Also let the record show that i am not a Smallville viewer.
Actually, the whole statement is kinda nonsensical… Imagine this alternative: “INCLUDING THE GAL, these three hired to play the Legionaires (I fixed the spelling, as they aren’t “Legionaries”) are some kinda pussy douchebags.” See? It never goes anywhere, no matter what you make it say.