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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
That’s a slick, stylish piece of work Snyder has there. I know fanboys are already complaining about Rorshach’s voice being just like Christian Bale’s in TDK … but I don’t have a problem with that at all. I always envisioned Dr. Manhattan as having a much deeper voice. I was surprised to hear Billy Crudup’s voice shout “leave me alone”. Just a deeper baritone is what I was expecting. Squid be damned this is going to make a lot of money.
/Muse FTW!
Rors’ voice is PERFECT. He’s SUPPOSED to sound like he’s smoked 40 packs of smokes and gargled with rubbing alcohol… His whole character is predicated on making every interaction he has with people as grating as possible, as far as I’ve ever been able to tell. WORSE than the fear that the Bat strikes into people, meeting The Shifting Mask should make you feel like you’re going to puke with discomfort…. or at least, that’s my $0.02. The man practically lived on canned beans, for Gog’s sake!!!
My Manhattan!!
This looks like it could be the most faithful adaptation since Sin City……….
Loved the first trailer, but this one just screams “cheese” to me… still, a trailer is not the final product. What’s up with actually calling themselves “Watchmen”? Should I take that as a bad sign for the movie or just for the studio’s/writer’s idea of how intelligent their audiences are?
dude, i think i just filled the cup.
seriously i’m happy to finally see some real footage from the movie, you know, with sound and all. the first trailer was basically a video clip.
i need to change my pants
I agree with Kallyx : while the first trailer really got me excited about the movie, this one makes me cringe. The scene with the Comedian being bounced around and the overused slow-motion have clicked my enthusiasm more than a few notches.
It looked ok. A few problems though. I didn’t have any ideas of what Dr Manhattan would sound like, didn’t really think about it, but it didn’t seem quite right. Not a big issue though. Rorshachs voice, well it’s a bit rough, but it’s ok seeing as how his whole point is to sound like a tough guy when he’s breaking people’s fingers. Is there a little hole in his mask shopwing his lips at the end? I’ll be interested to hear if he sounds different when he doesn’t have the mask on.
I also just noticed something about that image up top. Did Rorshach forget to put his lifts on?
“Tell me who killed the Comedian?”
“or what, shorty?”
I guess Big Boss will be a normal sized person then.
Hmm… This trailer made me a bit weary. I wasnt ever really sure about Ozymandias.. and somehow he sounded whiny.. and Dr. Manhattan.. but voices are tiny things to complain about.
My biggest worriest are the removal of certain subplots from the story.. I very much doubt we will see the Rorschach journals anywhere. Will see.. But yea. I am still prolly going to go see it as soon as possible.
1st of Muse ftw!
Great trailer i am extremely excited..But there were some unexpected annoyances:
Manhattans voice (A bit deeper would have been good)
Referring to themselves as the “Watchmen” (I guess it beats the crimebusters)
But there was also some positive surprises:
Owl looks just like how he should look in civilian (And a lot of people were nervous about that)
Rorschach being Rorschach (A bit more acrobatic then what i remember, but helluva badass)
It looks very much like the source material. And even better it doesn’t only look like it, it has this feel (I guess that means the I’m happy with the sets, sound, overall design work and acting as well)
Some other issues:
The murder of the comedian in the beginning needs to be over the top (IMHO)
I like short Rorschach (Remember all of these guys are supposed to be tall and buff he might just look tiny because he has an average built and therefor looks short even with his elevator shoes) Naw probably not but it gives him some extra character i think.
I did not like that full body shot of the “killer” The profile makes it obvious on a subconscious if not conscious plane who he is. Its almost an automatic deductive action… Due to a lack of suspects and evidence actual rather then a lot of it.
Remember people who haven’t read the series are only familiar with the characters in the trailer and might therefor already go..Hey that could totally be THAT guy coz one is to short, one is a chick, one glows in the dark and the other one wears glasses..Its totally THAT dude!
Oh and the slowmotion fetisch Zack Snyder seems to suffer from i think is a bonus when doing a comicbook adaption. It adds a bit more of that special feel when you recognize stills. And the action looks more pronounced during the slow-mo making the characters who are mainly un-powered look powerful without having to go waaay over the top and supe them up for the movie because people are used to X-Men and Superman.
I thought is was very good. However, Dr. Manhattan’s voice should sound, weird and Alien, right now it only sounds like Billy Crudup. Maybe Corey Burton (Brainiac from Superman TAS and JLU) should do the voice over for Doctor Manhattan.
I just watched this and I must say that I am pleased with what I see. I enjoyed 300 and it looks like I’ll be able to enjoy this. I’m eagerly waiting to see how they’ve interpreted this graphic novel into a movie. People who are already complaining need to relax and realize 2 things. (1) You haven’t watched the movie so you don’t really know how it will play out. (2) Having your standards too high won’t let you enjoy anything.
I may be alone in this, but I like that they made Manhattan sound like regular dude. His physical appearence and abilities are what were changed in accident not his voice. And if his voice was different from before, how would the people who knew him have recognized him when they saw him put back together?
I like Dr. Manhattan’s voice. I wish Rorschach’s voice was a little more… I guess mentally simple. I always figured Rorschach did what he did because he was so mentally screwballed.
Listen how Alan Moore reads Rorschach:
It’s painful to listen to and dragged out.
The Holy crap. This is awesome… but… part of the appeal of the comic was that the characters looked like real persons in goofy costumes… this people on the other hand… wow. I was not convinced by the silk spectre in the photos but… wow again
(I am such a fanboy)