Marvel sent its own Top 5 list to Major Spoilers, letting everyone know why you must read Ultimatum.
I especially like number 1 – FOREVER! (until the next big event). Is anyone else tired of that phrase’s overuse? I also like number 5, as it means no more annoying Mary Jane… or does it? I half expect that to mean everyone will become mutants.
Ultimatum #1 arrives November 5, 2008, and features a cover price of $3.99.
“The first crossover involving EVERY character in the Ultimate U!”
When I see Hawk-Owl and Woody, I’ll believe it…
Well, it’s good that they’re trying something. I beleive one of the original pitches for the U line was “not mired in continuity”, but after 100 issues, guess what, now they are.
I think it’s good that they mix it up – HOWEVER…
They don’t seem to do any better than 616 on death. It seems there is a Ultimate revolving door. You can’t shock and awe me with an Ultimate death (yet).
Finch vs. 3.99… tough fight. I think 3.99 is going to win, though.
I can’t help but think… Ultimates 3 is to Ultimatum as Countdown was to DOTNG.
I’ll reserve judgement, though…