While the Death Defying Devil is on its way from Dyanamite Entertainment, the first spin-off from the Project Superpowers series is The Black Terror. Dynamite Entertainment has sent Major Spoilers a rundown of the issue, plus all the covers by Alex Ross, John Romita Sr. Mike Lilly, and George Tuska.
“Alex, Jim and Mike are both firing on all cylinders with this series,” explained Dynamite President and Publisher Nick Barrucci. “Mike’s pencils are the finest of his career and Jim and Alex have crafted a story that ties in with the events of our main Project Superpowers series, as well as working independently of those events for new fans. This opening storyline takes us right to the door of Superpowers Chapter Two featuring the Inheritors, and then beyond that, The Terror will continue to kick ass on the racks in his own ongoing series! Having Jazzy John Romita, the man who in my opinion was the “definitive” Spider-Man artist grace a rare chase cover to issue #1, and George Tuska start his relationship with Dynamite by providing a chase cover to issue #2 is a rare treat, and one that we are ecstatic to present to our fans and retailers! Both are classic artists in their own right and have helped to create the characters we’ve grown to love! The wonderful part of having Mr. Tuska involved, is that he brings a true taste of the Golden Age with his classic approach. We’ve also been able to have the colorist and our art guys “play” with the cover, to have it look as if it’s just been “found” in a collection or your favorite retailers back issue bin. This has been a lot of fun.
As Marvel threatens to turn its main universe into a lame V: THE SERIES knockoff and Grant Morrison continues his life’s mission to render the DCU utterly incomprehensible to mortal minds, DE has (relatively) quietly begun putting together the most fascinating superhero universe since TERRA OBSCURA. Black Terror? Dar… errr… ‘Devil battles The Claw? Lovin’ it.
This, though, is one of the very few times I’ve ever wished that Ross’ covers were the variants. It’s great that the father of Johnny Nepotism is still doing cover work (as penance for the offal his kid poops out so frequently), but it’s mind-boggling to see George Freakin’ Tuska still rockin’ like Dokken at ninety-freakin’-two.
Great looking art. Will definitely be picking this series up.