According to director Peter Segal, the production is still feeling the aftershocks of the writer’s strike.
We’re still working on the script. An interesting little development, but it’s an annoying one, is that after a strike there are residual effects and one was that everyone who was a writer suddenly had a back log of assignments as did John August, so we started to do our re-write process but he had to service some of these other prior commitments. So now we’re kind of waiting in line to get him back but it’s worked out okay because we’ve been working on the marketing of this and getting this going, so we’ve been doing enough to keep ourselves busy and as soon as this movie gets released then we’re going to focus again on ‘Billy Batson and the Legend of Shazam‘.
Well gosh darn that! Of all the superheroes to get a movie make over, this is one that could be really good, especially if they make it a true adventure ala the old seriels. If Segal plays his cards right, and there is a really good script, Shazam could finally get the last laugh by out performing Superman Returns.