According to Slash Flim, the Green Arrow centric movie Super Max is getting a name change to Green Arrow.
The well-reviewed script, which sees Green Arrow facing off in a high security prison with DC villains like The Riddler, is by Justin Marks, who wrote the aforemenioned He-Man script that’s driving the Internet nuts right now.
Yeah, I think what happened is Warner Bros. did some research on message boards and sites like Major Spoilers and realized no one, NO ONE, would go and see a Green Arrow movie called Super Max. And seeings how the Green Arrow character is fairly popular thanks to The CW’s Smallville (he’s back for season 8 ladies), the name change seems very appropriate.
How hard is “Green Arrow: SuperMax” to come up with? It worked for the PotC movies.
I want to see Captain Cold and the Top, by the way, because there’s no way you can use them seriously in a Flash movie.
Captain Cold works as ‘grizzled old supervillain who’s thinking of retiring’, so he could work in the Flash movie.
Anyway, I’m loving everything I hear about this project and hope it continues.
Captain Cold can work if you give him a new outfit, but works better when you use the rogues as a whole. The Top unfortunately doesn’t have that option. He’ll look silly no matter what.