Hey Cory Edwards, writer/director of the upcoming Fraggle Rock movie, how are things going?
I’m having a lot of fun. I just finished my first action scene (yes, there WILL be action scenes!), and am cracking some decent jokes. It’s hard to create jokes for Fraggles, since they have no pop culture references whatsoever. That’s probably a good thing… that means I have a better chance of creating a timeless movie (If I see one more cute iconic character ruined by “Shrekking It Up” for easy jokes, I’m going to go postal).
Oh yeah. Who’s up for some Fraggle action sequences?
Now for the bigger questions of music and puppets.
Q: Will these be the real puppets and not some CGI animated thing?
A: Yes. Real puppets on real sets with live actors. It’s my goal to do everything the “old school Muppet way.” I do believe there are many Henson fans who would have my head on a platter if I attempted anything else. If it is possible to do something physically, on set and “in camera,” we will do it. But it’s also fair to say that I will use today’s effects to enhance or help any scene. I will just keep asking myself, WWJD? (“What Would Jim Do?”)
Even better, if you liked the music from the series, Edwards says the Fraggle movie will include a lot of music and is being written as a musical adventure.
My only regret about the Fraggle movie is I grew up never getting to see the Fraggle’s in action as we lived in the middle of nowhere without access to the cable and HBO.
For those of you that did grow up with the Fraggles, do you have a favorite character or episode you remember fondly?
Oh, snap! I love the Fraggles! In fact, when I was in high school, with longer hair, I kind of looked like Red; Ironic, I suppose, being a dude and all…
god i hope they dont ruin this for me. i loved the friggin fraggle rocks i hope its awesome and not some crap kid movie…
I always saw the fraggles as the lesser evolved cousins of the muppets. That said, I’m all for a puppet-based musical action-adventure
oh wow, more fraggles! I’m only 15, but my mom had me watch them. The hat one is my favorite. He was the one who kept falling off where he was sitting, right?
I didnt grow up on fraggles, im in high school now…. and im SOOOOO EXITED!! see, a few years ago, i got my hands on some fraggle dvds and fell in love with all the fraggles, i think they give great advice and i can actully relate to them all.
the thing that makes me nervous about this movie is… little fraggle rock posers. ppl in my school are going to suddenly “love” the fraggles, compleatly ignoring how they made fun of me last week for having a gobo doll…..