More Watchmen news, this time with the release of the 1940’s prop photo used in the film depicting the Minutemen all dolled up in period gear.
At first I thought this was a cheezy fan photo whipped upped by the “community” to throw off real news about the film, but the more I look at it, the more I believe this is the real deal. All the original gang are featured – including Hooded Justice.
Take the jump for the full shot!
Kudos to Ain’t It Cool News for snagging this.
Looks like it might be the real deal. The Silk Spectre will be played by Carla Gugino and that sure looks like her. Hooded justice looks weird in this pic though, but you can tell he is big.
I think it’s the real deal. But it’s one of those props that’ll appear onscreen for seconds at most, probably on the wall in the background.
The design of the costumes is done to look campy and weird, as many of the Golden Age comic characters, I like, specially that Teutonic Sapphic lady.
(Silhouette, if you don’t understand.)
Despite the fact that it just looks like a bunch of fans at a comic con who made their own costumes, I think that is what the main characters costumes should have looked like. Apart from Rorshach, the Watchmen costumes we’ve already seen are glammed up. Ozymandius costume is made shinier and more like some fashion designer came up with it, while Night Owl reminds me of the nipple Batman suit. I realise you can’t really have a whole movie with costumes that look like someone made them with their old sewing machine, but the main characters in my opinion should have slightly better costumes than the Minuteman but not as detailed as what they seem to have now.
Also it looks like Raul Julia is back to play the Comedian.
Raul Julia died in ’94. I’m guessing he’s “unavailable”..