If you are digging the art of Marko Djurdjevic in the pages of Thor, and you are planning on attending the Emerald City ComiCon May 10 and 11, 2008, you can pick up Djurdjevic’s variant cover to X-Men #497.
“Marko created a very classic-looking cover for the show and I couldn’t be happier with it,” said Organizer Jim Demonakos. “As an added bonus, fans picking the book up will be able to have their copies signed by the creative team of Ed Brubaker and Mike Choi since both are guests this year.”
X-Men #497
Writer: Ed Brubaker
Artist: Michael Choi
As Cyclops and Emma Frost try to save Angel — and the entire city of San Francisco — from something unexplainable, Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler must face Russia’s deadly Red Room! From Eisner-winning scribe Ed Brubaker (Captain America, Daredevil, Criminal) and artist Michael Choi, this X-Men: Divided We Stand tie-in continues the acclaimed story of a world without X-Men, with the former superheroes attempting to move on after the events of Messiah CompleX.
The Emerald City ComiCon will take place at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in downtown Seattle, Washington on May 10th & 11th, 2008.