I really like the story time narration lead in to the next Marvel Avengers direct to DVD movie, but I’m not sure I can get a firm grasp on the “Avenger Babies” concept and why people would want to rush out and buy it.
I’m more than likely going to buy it and watch.
I look forward to hopefully being able to watch this with my kids (4, and 7). Kids are usually more intrested in heros closer to their own ages.
Why is it, that it is assumed that kids are retarded? When I was the age of the target demographic for this piece of crap I NEVER WOULD HAVE WATCHED IT!!! This patronizing attitude that cartoon producers have for their audience is unsupported by the actual intellectual faculties of their target audience. Hell, I watched “The Shining” when I was 10!
Love the narration but hated the concept.
Jeez Cory do you ever have ANYTHING nice to say? Every message you’ve posted on the site has been negative to the extreme – a real Negative Nellie. Perhaps you could take some time and actually tell us what you do like?
Jeez Cory do you ever have ANYTHING nice to say? Every message you’ve posted on the site has been negative to the extreme – a real Negative Nellie. Perhaps you could take some time and actually tell us what you do like?
My four daughters will love this.
“Why is it, that it is assumed that kids are retarded?” – Cory
Exceptionally mature. Any arguement you try to pose beyond this is lost by this comment.
This does look real good. Shame we don’t really get an Iron-Kid though. :p
Cory: Are you sure that your not looking at this thru rose-colored glasses? There is stuff I watched as a kid and look at it now with a feeling of “I actually liked this?”. It actually peeves me off more when people equate “mature” in animation to boobies, pr0n and blood.
C’mon; we all looked at this and new “who” was the intended audience. No shame in enjoying it, though.
This really isn’t something to get grumpy over. “Wolverine and the X-Men”?; now there’s something get mad at. :p
I think Cory just might be Marvel_b0y