(Press Release) Halloween is fun for both the young and young at heart. We would really like to see how creative our fans are so; we’ve decided to hold a Halloween Costume Contest.
All you need to do to join in the fun:
- Get your costume together (for you and/or your pet)
- Take a picture. Yes, you can enter more than once!
- Email it as an attachment to blogphotos@archiecomics.com
- Be sure to put the words “Costume Contest” in the subject line!
You can begin submitting your photos today. All photos will be put up on the website on Halloween Day. The voting will begin on Thursday, November 1. There will be no first round eliminations all entries will be placed on the Archie Comics web site for voting, as long as there are suitable for the entire family.
The Winner will receive an original drawing of the Winner with Archie Comics Characters. The winner will be drawn in costume based on the photo submitted. This one-of-a-kind collectible will be drawn by artists here at Archie Comics.
We’ve never offered a prize like this before, so get your friends and neighbors together and tell them to vote for YOU! Voting will end at midnight, Saturday, November 17th.