Rude Dude Productions has announced Nexus 100 will be delayed. Instead of the original release date, Nexus 100 will arrive in January. The company says it is delaying the issue so it can ship three issues in a row without delay. It doesn’t say what happens in March when the three issues have shipped.
To refresh your memories, in addition to the 23-page main story feature, Nexus 100 contains the first fully-painted Steve Rude art ever done for a comic story. “When She was Young,” Part II, an eleven-page Sundra Peale story that takes place at the beginning of Sundra’s career and reveals her first meeting with a notorious and very treacherous—ah, long time fans will probably guess—but for now just keep it under your hats. Baron and Rude consider this painted story a landmark achievement in itself. All their usual writing and art trademarks abound!
Take the jump for an eight page preview of Nexus 100: Space Opera, Act 2.
If I recall correctly, the Dude’s plan was always to release Nexus in 4-issue bursts, sort of like a series of miniseries, but keeping the original numbering. So after March I think we can expect a planned hiatus before the next 4 issues.
Let’s hope that this one can stay with us a while. I’d hate to have Nexus disappear for ten years again… It’s good stuff.