Variety is reporting the Street Fighter videogame is set to make another appearance on the silver screen. One would think the horrible failure that was the Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter (1994) would be a hint to proceed cautiously with any other film in the franchise.
Instead of following te Jean Claude character, this script, penned by Justin Marks focuses on female fighter Chun Li on a campaign for justice. Justin Marks is also penning the Voltron movie for New Regency, Super Max and He-Man for Warner Bros.
Street Fighter is set to go into production in 2008 with 20th Century Fox set up as the distributor.
Ladies and Gents, the new Uwe Boll. :p
Careful, you don’t want to get challenged to a boxing match with either ;)
By Brigaduunes Calics!! ‘ooow cen de dun such trevesties te mure guod jornreys!