Top Cow Productions and CS Moore Studio have announced a new series of busts based on Seth Green and Hugh Sterbakov’s Freshmen series. The first bust out of the gate will feature the Puppeteer.
The Puppeteer (aka Annalee Rogers) is a beautiful, troubled young woman with the ability to read people’s minds, and control them for minutes at a time. The 1/6 scale, limited edition Puppeteer Bust will be sculpted by Clayburn Moore, and marks the Studio’s first bust release based on a Top Cow Productions character. A mock-up of the piece was debuted by Moore, Top Cow, and Seth Green during a panel discussion at Comic-Con International: San Diego on Friday, July 27.
“Freshmen is a fun series,” said Moore in a prepared statement. “I’m looking forward to working with Top Cow and Seth Green to bring the sexy Puppeteer to statue form.”