Man, this is sucky news from Comic-Con. During the Darwyn Cooke Spotlight panel, Cooke say he and J. Bone would be leaving The Spirit with issue #12. The series will continue with other writers.
This sucks, because it is clear Cooke really understands how to tell a Spirit story. The few issues that have come out that he hasn’t penned have – how shall I say this – weren’t up to par with the Cooke authored tales.
Cooke did say he has two graphic novels planned for the next two years – an all ages fairy tale and a tale about a man who’s life is unraveling as he deals with modern life.
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Now, that’s truly saddening… I’m certain we’re going to get a harder-edged, black suited, Frank Miller Spirit to coincide with the coming movie adaptation. I hope it at least keeps SOME of Eisner’s influence…