Comflix Studios has launched with the first installments of Dracula vs. King Arthur and The Last Sin of Mark Grimm. will now feature weekly premieres of new episodes from its library of comic book titles.
This site has been in place for about a month now, following a soft release that allowed viewers to check out the content, beating other companies who have recently announced web comic initiatives.
Unlike other companies who simply want you to read the comic online, Comflix actually brings the pages to life with editing, some motion graphics work, and nice voice over work. It makes for a very cool interpretation of a comic without having to spend the millions to make a full on feature. And the videos aren’t simple pans across the page with fast cuts and sound effects, each panel is animated using a 2.5D effect made popular in The Kid Stays in the Picture.
Best of all, it’s free!
“We recognize that our content has a large and diversified audience but foremost, it was important for us to be accepted and embraced by the comic book community”, says Scott Schneider, CEO of Comflix Studios. “We are also pleased by our successful transition from a pay per view model to a free advertising backed model where we can offer our content free to our audience.”
The official grand opening also kicks off the “Create Your Own Comic Book” contest. Fans and the staff of Comflix will select among the entries a winner that will have his or her idea turned into a Comflix series.
And after all of the recent Internet twittering over these type of contests, Comflix is sure to come under the same scrutiny as both Platinum and DC Comics.