Hollywood Reporter has an interesting article up today that states Joel Silver and Warner Bros. Pictures are working on a new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe movie. Justin Marks has been hired to write the movie that will simply be called Masters of the Universe.
The new take on “Masters” skews more toward gritty fantasy and reimagines [Prince] Adam as a soldier who sets off to find his destiny, happening upon a magical world called Eternia. There, a being called Skeletor has raised a technological army and is bent on eradicating all traces of magic.
Hey, as long as it has She-Ra in that short mini-skirt, I’m in!
Man, Skeletor has got to get a new Agent. He’s been doing the same Gigs – He-Man and Arkham Asylum – for decades. It’s time to move on…
Don’t forget his job as Secretary of Homeland Security. . .