Our good friend James from Collector’s Pair of Dice was able to head to Overland Park this past weekend to check out the KC Planet ComiCon. The event was well attended on Saturday and Sunday even with all of the rain that fell over the region. Special guests Jim Lee and David Prowse were able to stick around for both days to sign autographs and have their pictures taken with fans.
The panels were terrible soundwise. There were no mics for the panels I attended, and sitting on the second row I couldn’t hear much except for the floor crowd. The panels were in the same large room as the show.
Sunday Clayburn Moore had a panel Sunday afternoon discussing sculpting of statues and action figures which the comicCon found a mic for (it needed a new battery though as the sound was distorted).
I wasn’t able to make it to the con this year for various reasons, but now I can live vicariously through the pictures James sent our way. Take the jump for the huge photo diary!
Special Guests
Left to Right: David Prowse (Darth Vader), Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica), and Noel Neill (Lois Lane from the 50s Superman series).
Jim Lee
Artist’s Alley
Whew! Thanks for those James!
Did you attend the con? What were your thoughts, and did you find some really good loot?
Any chance we could get some identifiers of the special guests? I recognize Noel Neill, but I don’t know who the man in the pink shirt is…
Done! Now if you ask me to name everyone from Artist’s Alley, I’m going to have a time of it.
Pink shirt is David Prowse. I tried to get nametags in the shots, but some didn’t wear them, including the man in the ball cap sitting beside Jim Lee at the panel. They were both doing sketches, but the sound was so bad, I couldn’t hear most of what was going on. I even tried looking closely at the signature on the sketch but it pixilates before I can make it out.
I was also at Planet ComicCon this year and was wondering if you could help me out with something. I had a really cool 1940s Ult Captain America drawn for me by the guy at the table in your second picture (with the white table cloth). He signed the pic “A.R. ’07!” Do you know who it is? I couldn’t find anyone with those initials listed on the PCC website.
Could it be A.P. for Ande Parks?