Launched in 2002 by librarian Gene Ambaum and cartoonist Bill Barnes is gained an audience of over 35,000 readers a day and has just celebrated its fifth anniversary.
“Is it a comic that only librarians can appreciate? No.” says writer Gene Ambaum. “A library is basically a store — everyone has been on one side of the counter or the other. Fortunately for us there really is such a thing as a stupid question.”
“Unshelved is always a blast to make,” says artist Bill Barnes, “I get to draw Dewey saying the things everyone wishes they could say, except they’d be fired. And every Sunday I draw a scene from a different book. For a cartoonist who was practically raised in a library it’s a dream come true.”
I have not read Unshelved yet, but it is still completely free at the website at Who knows, perhaps it will make the Major Spoilers Top 57 Web Comics list next year.
If you don’t want to read the comic at the website, there are currently four trade paperbacks available from Diamond.