Top Cow Entertainment slipped Major Spoilers a sneak peek at the upcoming The Darkness: Level 2. There’s some World War I action going on in this issue and the four page preview hints at some intense action. Even though this series is supposed to tie in with the video game, I’ve been told you don’t need to read the issue to enjoy the game or vice versa, which is cool.
The Darkness: Level 2
(W) Paul Jenkins and David Wohl
(P) Tyler Kirkham
Welcome to the world of The Darkness. Somewhere in the depths of hell a lone British soldier is forced to relive his life over and over. He needs to take a hill that’s controlled by the Germans but he can never make it. That is until he’s helped in this Sisyphean task by a mysterious (and very powerful) helper – Jackie Estacado.
Cover A) Stepjan Sejic painted cover
Cover B) Tyler Kirkham cover
Cover C) Dale Keown cover
Full Color 32 pages $2.99