Ain’t It Cool News is reporting this morning that Gwyneth Paltrow has been cast in the role of Pepper Potts in the upcoming Iron Man moving staring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark and Terrance Howard as Jim Rhodes.
I’m not a huge Paltrow fan, but Jon Favreau seems to know what he is doing, and with the cast shaping up well, this could be bigger than anything X-Men pulled off. Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into a celebrity spotlight event like that awful Batman and Robin.
via Ain’t It Cool News (link)
1 Comment
Mmm… Interesting. Is Pepper even in the book anymore? And wasn’t she a redhead?
Still, it’s always fascinating to watch this sort of thing come together. I remember the howls of protest about Anna Paquin and ol’ whatsername, Famke Jannnnsssseeennnnn. However one spells that.