We’ve kind of seen these before, but now Hasbro has officially unveiled the Transformers Protoform transforming toy. Looks really ugly to me, but hey, I’m not a 7 year old kid (in spite of what my wife says). It’s another look at what we can expect from Michael Bay this summer.
What do you think?
via Hasbro (link)
I don’t know about the toy, but movie wise, it makes sense the transformers would have some kind of alien “proto” form, before they would take on a earth based vehicle disguise. The idea that these alien robots would just Happen to take form of human earth vehicles is actually pretty hard to sell. As a story base I mean.
Even though the proto form isnt much to look at, they would Have to make a toy of it. Its kind of like how they make figures of just about Every obscure Starwars character.
I with Paxton as far as story lines go but i won be buying any of the protoforms