Top Cow Productions let us know its new crossover event is scheduled for summer 2007. First Born will be a three issue mini-series (along with a “first look” preview book), that follows the birth of Sara Pezzini’s baby, and her decision to give up the Witchblade.
More information and a familiar looking cover by Mike Choi after the jump.
According to Top Cow, the First Born storyline will ripple throughout other Top Cow titles such as Tomb Raider, Angeleus, Aphrodite IX, Magdalena, and Hunter-Killer. The story will be written by Ron Marz, with Stejepan Sejic providing the art.
In a press release, Ron Marz said, “I think when somebody says ‘crossover,’ a lot of people immediately think of four dozen heroes and villains in bright costumes beating the crap out of each other for whatever reason. Or maybe for no reason. That’s not what we’re going for in First Born. The story will work as an intro to the Top Cow Universe, but first and foremost, it’s a character-driven story about something I think everybody can relate to-the birth of a baby. When I first suggested the idea of Sara Pezzini becoming pregnant, I had no idea the storyline would blossom into this, but I think we’ve got something special here.”
“The trend in comics of late has been these giant universe-spanning crossovers with far-reaching effects, and sometimes they’re so big that they alienate the core audience for them,” said managing editor Rob Levin. “The goal of First Born is to tell a complete story in three issues that serves as both an introduction to our world for new readers, as well as delivering an event that will resonate with long-time fans and shape future storylines.”
The first look preview book is scheduled to ship in June, 2007, with the mini-series hitting stores in July.
via Top Cow Productions (link)