Chada and I went down to the convention center and signed in. Then we waited in line for THREE HOURS to get into preview night. While Chada was bored out of her mind (mainly because I forgot to bring the PSP with us), we were both glad we waited.
The masses waiting to be led to the slaughter…I met the creators of the number one web comic Penny Arcade.
Gabe, Tyco, and some goofy looking doofus…
Then we swung by the PVP booth (the number two web comic) and met with Scott Kurtz.
Got him to sign a couple of things, and he was nice enough to make a quick sketch of Skull for Chada.
Speaking of Skull – check out this plush!
A couple of big news items:
1) Comicbase has released the latest version – 10.0. What makes this upgrade a must have option is they are now updating the lists and images every week! Every Tuesday when the new releases are shipped, Comicbase will have a download available that Friday. According to Peter Bickford it should only take a couple of minutes if you are on a high speed connection. I’ll be checking this version out in detail and will have a full review shortly.
2) Check out the awesome new figures coming out for the Justice League Unlimited series!
Foreground: Green Lantern Corp. In the background members of The Justice Lords.
Dr. Fate, Vixen, and Hawkgirl…
In the background you can see the Justice Lords again, and in the foreground it looks like we have Mirror Master, Dr. Light, and Lex Luthor.
I can’t even read the writing on the first guy (early work in progress), followed by Black Canary, and a prototype for Orion.
Metamorpho, Batman, and Wildcat…
Superman, Copperhead, and Aquaman (sorry about the fuzzy pictures, there were alot of people crowding around).
Again, another fuzzy photo. At first I thought the figure on the left was Wildcat again, but upon closer inspection, I’m at a loss. Then we have Superman from the “For the Man Who has Everything” episode. For those of you who don’t read comicbooks, this episode of the Justice League Unlimited was based on an issue with the same title. We wrap up the preview of JLU figurew with Supergirl. Don’t think I care for her knobby knees, but this still looks like a prototype.
That’s all for preview night. Tomorrow we hit the show floor again and will be attending several panel discussions. Here’s a sneak of our first panel.