Marvel has released a sneak peek of Franken-Castle #21 from creators Rick Remender and Dan Brereton.
Pencils & Cover by DAN BRERETON
The shocking conclusion to the tale of Franken-Castle is here! Castle has been terribly injured in his vicious battle with Daken and needs to heal on Monster Island. But when Frank’s mind descends into madness, Elsa Bloodstone comes looking for him to take him out of his misery. Is this the end of Frankencastle…or the return of the Punisher? Find out in Franken-Castle #21!
The issue arrives September 29, 2010, and has a $3.99 cover price.
1 Comment
This looks like a great B-Movie, I mean it almost looks like the monsters are having a poker game. Then the Monster Squad busts in and Horace kicks Wolfman in the nards.