I generally like running sketches as part of the Art Appreciation Moment of the Day, but the cover to ImagineFX November 2009 cover caught my eye today, and I couldn’t pass up showing off the work by Warren Louw.
Becky – The cover girl of ImagineFX, issue 49 November 2009.
So my very first appearance in an IFX mag makes the front cover, including a full on posing workshop inside the issue. This was definitely the most exciting artwork I’ve ever worked on in my entire art career to date. The entire process was a complete pleasure and flowed far smoother than I had anticipated.
They ended up choosing her with red hair for the cover, which I also totally love, but thought id share her with you as I originally had her from start to finish.
Anyway, I seriously recommend this issue to those who are wanting to learn more about how to approach posing. I shared as much as I could and even exceeded the limit they asked me to keep to, so Im sure there will be something for all of you guys to take and use to your advantage!
The breast to waist proportions are too extreme but she is a beautifully rendered female.
Her face is absolutely gorgeous.
Yes, her face is beautiful. If her breasts weren’t so huge and fake-looking with an impossibly skinny waist, she’d be exquisite.
I admire the talent. I just think the illustrations need modeled on some real women.
“Ceci n’est pas une femme”
If these things did look like real women they would contradict their reason for being. The idea is to give us something that is better than real, they do it with their over-muscled male heroes so why not with depictions of women?
Is it absolutely necessary to have this conversation every time there’s a cheesecake image in the AAMOTD? It seems like we stomp this ground every seven to ten days or so…
Maybe post something that’s not cheesecake and you would achieve a different reaction.
Uhh … they post plenty that isn’t cheese cake. Dustin Nyugen for example. And who cares if it is cheese cake? It’s still beautiful art despite the subject matter.
I don’t mind the cheesecake pics. Just saying that the same sort of pics will elicit the same sort of responses.
My complaint of the pic isn’t how the woman is dressed or her sexuality. It’s her disproportionate shape.
Maybe post something that’s not cheesecake and you would achieve a different reaction.
Given that my input to the Art Appreciation Moment is precisely the same as any other spoilerite’s, you’re not only barking up the wrong tree, you’re probably in the wrong yard.
It’s your call if you want to keep having LITERALLY the same conversation over and over and over again, but it ain’t called the Art Critique Moment Of The Day. :)
There is still the possibility of a discussion about why most artists draw exactly the same sort of women. I suppose you could hold your defensive stance, as if you had drawn these pictures or something.
But I am truly interested in why so many artists draw females in such a disproportionate manner. I haven’t received any opinion on that yet. So I guess we might be continuing this for a while, I don’t know.
I do think this particular woman’s face is illustrated extremely well. The skill there shows the talent of the artist.
I love this picture. Not only is she just a really really beautiful woman but there is something especially alluring about her face. Something … etherial … in the way it’s colored. Very captivating.
I think it could be how soft it looks while it pops off the page at the same time.
I agree. One of the best illustrated faces I have seen in a long time. Fresh, alive, and kissable.
… and, no, I didn’t. ;-)