Krakoa is a place for peace and refuge for all Mutantkind. Declaring itself a sovereign nation, Charles Xavier is setting up treaties with countries across the world. Find out in X-Force #1 by Marvel if they can keep the peace!
Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Joshua Cassara
Colorist: Dean White
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Darren Shan & Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 6th, 2019
Previously in X-Force: For the first time, mutants can have peace from the persecution and oppression. However, everyone has become lax because of their believe in the safety of Krakoa. Is this place actually a safe haven or is danger on the horizon?
The book opens with Domino infiltrating a secret anti-mutant meeting and being discovered and knocked out. The narrative is then taken to Krakoa as Beast is attacked by a predator on the island but is saved by Wolverine. Charles Xavier is signing a peace treaty with Sokovia and Black Tom with Jean Grey welcomes the Marauders and their refugees back to Krakoa. However, Krakoa is attacked by four people who jumped out of a hijacked airplane to parachute to the island. A battle ensues with many mutants being shot down but many of them rush to attack and kill the perpetrators. Jean Grey, Wolverine, and Beast rush the last attacker who is searching for Xavier. They find him with a pistol pointed at Xavier and the gun fires before Wolverine is able to stop him.
I have loved the new direction that Marvel has taken with the X-men and I think this book has been my favorite. The art was impactful from the very first page and the dynamic scenes really jump off the page. The writing is grittier and darker than any of the other titles that have come out in the last two months and asks some very important questions about security and complacency. Two characters really stand out for me in this issue. The first is Black Tom Cassidy who is directly connected to Krakoa and acts as a liaison from the island and any threat that may come to the island. He shows a lot of concern about the people arriving on the island and if they can protect them. Black Tom Cassidy shows real concern and has come along way from him working with the Juggernaut.
The second character is Wolverine who said a line that became the theme of the entire book, “When you’re safe, you’re soft.” This foreshadows the attack on the island and explores the idea of the mental state of mutantkind. What a powerful idea. I am a freelancer and am constantly fighting to make sure I have work. When I was working as a cook. I became complacent in my job and was simply going from paycheck to paycheck. I didn’t have to worry about finding work so I simply stopped looking. The analogy is not a 1 for 1 but the foundation of the idea is still the same.
Lastly, I’m interested that the book does not establish the new X-Force team. What this book establishes is that a threat is real and we see the death of many mutants on the island. Now that the immediate threat is over, mutants need to recover and grieve and seemingly will form the new team. Based on what I have seen of this first issue, I trust the writers to express these ideas and themes with sensitivity and skill.
I’m all on board for this series. I wasn’t sure what to expect with so many X titles coming out but what I found here was a darker story. A story that features the beginnings of a team that will have to overcome many emotional and physical obstacles. 4.5 out of 5 for X-Force #1 by Marvel Comics.
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X-Force #1
What this book establishes is that a threat is real and we see the death of many mutants on the island.