Hey there Spoilerites! We know you love the shows on the Major Spoilers Podcast Network, and we want to get you more involved!
It’s super simple and will only take you a moment!
Your Comments
We love hearing from you! Call the Major Spoilers Hotline at (785) 727-1939 (or Skype – stephen_schleicher). Leave a thought or a comment about anything related to the shows, comic books, movies, or the pop culture industry in general. Keep it relatively short (2 minutes or less), and you may hear yourself on an upcoming Major Spoilers Podcast!
Don’t forget you can also join in on the conversation during the Finally Friday live stream that takes place on Friday afternoons (4:30 PM ET/1:30 PM PT). We’ve had a number of fantastic callers over the last couple of weeks, and we want even more of you to call in and share your thoughts!
Intros, Outros, and more!
Call the Major Spoilers Hotline at (785) 727-1939 (or Skype – stephen_schleicher) or record yourself in MP3 format, and read one or more of the following:
Countdown from 10 to 2 at one second intervals.
“The Major Spoilers podcast covers news, reviews and of course spoilers, and goes into detail about the topics discussed. So, if you haven’t read, listened or watched the items they talk about, you might want to come back later.”
Shoutout and Thanks!
- This episode is brought to you by Major Spoilers VIP members.
- Thank you for your support of Major Spoilers and the Major Spoilers Podcast Network.
- If you would like to become a bronze, silver, or gold VIP Member, go to members.majorspoilers.com for more information.
Tweaked Audio!
- Tweaked Audio is sponsoring this segment of the Major Spoilers Podcast!
- Visit TweakedAudio.com for a wide selection of earbuds, and best of all, when you check out, use the code: Major for 30% off the price.
- Thanks Tweaked Audio for sponsoring the Major Spoilers Podcast Network!
- If you have any questions, comments, or topics for future shows, or would like to sponsor an episode, send an email to podcast@majorspoilers.com.
- Visit Major Spoilers at MajorSpoilers.com and be sure to visit the Major Spoilers forum.
- You can follow Major Spoilers on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and on YouTube at YouTube.com/MajorSpoilersVideo
If you do record yourself, send the audio file to podcast@majorspoilers.com
Thanks for recording these bits for us! We’ll take the best audio and mix it into future episodes on the Major Spoilers Podcast Network! And don’t worry, we’ll mix it up on a regular basis so there’s a good chance you’ll hear yourself on the show!
Interesting. I’ll need to download some voice recording freeware this weekend.
Audacity is pretty simple to edit with and free. If you don’t have another program in mind I would suggest that one.
Time to break out the yeti and do some recording.