For those who read about the Jonathan Coulton and Greg Pak Kickstarter campaign on Monday, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the campaign met its goal and more within 24 hours.
“We had a feeling this was a good idea, but I think we’re both overwhelmed by the response,” says Coulton in a prepared statement. “It’s wonderful to feel so well-supported, but mostly I’m excited about what other cool stuff we might be able to create with this unexpected windfall. Maybe jetpacks!”
“Code Monkey Save World” is a graphic novel written by Greg Pak (“Planet Hulk,” “Batman/Superman,” “Magneto Testament”) and drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa (“Runaways”) based on the songs of internet superstar musician Jonathan Coulton. , Jessica Kholinne (“X-Treme X-Men”) will color, and Simon Bowland (“Incredible Hercules”) will letter. The book will be distributed digitally by Monkeybrain Comics via Comixology.
The book follows Code Monkey, the put-upon coding monkey from the eponymous Coulton song, as he teams up with the seething, lovelorn super-villain from Coulton’s song”Skullcrusher Mountain.” The unlikely duo fight robots, office worker zombies, and maybe even each other as they struggle to impress the amazing women for whom they fruitlessly long.
The comic book and pop culture websites shared the information about the campaign, and with Jonathan Coulton’s huge fan base, the percentage of the fanbase needed to push this campaign to completion should have been relatively small. The good thing about this Kickstarter campaign exceeding its goals is now the team of creators can drop some stretch goals to get even more money for the project.
Pak and Coulton will increase the page count of the final graphic novel from 60 pages to 80 pages. All backers who choose rewards that include the book will receive the expanded book at no extra cost. All backers who choose mailed rewards will also receive “Code Monkey Save World” stickers at no extra charge. Because stickers are awesome.
I for one support our Code Monkey overlord, and can’t wait for the final product to arrive at my door.