Cartoon Network and Lucasfilm Animation present the Season Five premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars this Saturday, September 29 at 9:30 a.m. Continuing the story from the epic Season Four finale, Season Five begins with “Revival.” Darth Maul and Savage Opress are reunited and brimming with rage. They bring terror across the galaxy, invading other worlds and forcibly recruiting Hondo and his pirates into their army. Brave Jedi confront the brothers in an effort to stop them and must fight for their lives while vying to save the Republic.
The shadow of the dark side falls upon Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Five as the series moves closer to the grim events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The big-screen action, unforgettable characters, and rousing adventure of the Star Wars Saga continue, as Jedi heroes face a galaxy of foes. With unparalleled visuals, sound, action and adventure, Star Wars: The Clone Wars continues the cinematic saga with the equivalent of a short animated Star Wars movie each week. Season Five is filled with explosive action, exotic worlds, intriguing characters and shocking turns as several major players face their destinies as the galaxy plunges into darkness.
I can’t wait!
I’m also thrilled that they started airing old episodes on my local CW at 1AM Sunday mornings for an hour. So if I miss the new episode when it airs, I can watch the syndicated reruns and then the new episode should be up on On Demand.
Glad I have a computer cause I totally missed it.