Marvel Comics has let us know that Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures #1 2nd pring has sold out. Lots of Anita Blake fans must be jumping on board, which have pushed sales over 60,000 copies. Further, issue #2 has sold out, and issue #3 is very close to selling out as well.
The cover to Issue #4 after the jump.
At this point Marvel has no plans for a third printing of issue #1, so you either better get to your comic shop today and hope it has a back issue lying around, or knock you friend over the head and steal his/her copy.
Issue #4 is scheduled to be in stores January 24 for $2.99.
1 Comment
My god, but that art is annoying. It’s as bad as the Michael Turner covers for Justice League, there’s no anatomy to be found!