Following the shocking events of the Season Two finale, the thrills of CBS’s wildly popular Star Trek: Discovery continue in a new three-issue comic book miniseries from IDW Publishing, Star Trek: Discovery – Aftermath!
Browsing: Tony Shasteen
Over the weekend IDW Publishing announced it will continue to release new Star Trek tales with the launch of Star Trek: The Next Generation: Terra Incognita, a six-issue mini-series launching in August.
Jaylah takes center stage in this week’s Star Trek: Boldly Go #5 from IDW Publishing.
IDW Publishing sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Star Trek: Boldly Go #3, that…
Following the events of Star Trek Beyond comes Star Trek: Boldly Go #2 from IDW…
The new Star Trek series launches this week, and we have a sneak peek of…
The series finale of Star Trek arrives this week from IDW Publishing. How will the…
IDW Publishing is set to take maximum advantage of Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, and the…
Don’t miss getting in on the ground floor of this two-part arc.
Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen explore the Legacy of Spock in Star Trek #58.
What is the legacy of Spock? Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen continue the tale in…
The legacy of Spock storyline continues this week in Star Trek #56. IDW Publishing sent…
Time for Spock and the remaining Vulcans to find a new home. Find out more…
This isn’t your only chance to get a sneak peek of Star Trek #54—Five-Year Mission,…