His name is Havok! But what connection does he have to the X-Men we already know? Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of The X-Men #58 awaits!
Browsing: The X-Men
Capes and tights may be a young person’s game, but that doesn’t mean a few brave souls haven’t been hanging in there! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers Over 100 Years Old!
Eighty years of Marvel Comics have led to this issue! Your Major Spoilers review of Marvel Comics #1000 awaits!Eighty years of Marvel Comics have led to this issue! Your Major Spoilers review of Marvel Comics #1000 awaits!
Our favorite fictional heroes are skilled at fighting the good fight, overcoming unbeatable odds and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Some of them, though, also know how to calculate their initiative bonuses… Welcome to Ten Things!
Marvel’s latest teaser to mock and frustrate all of us.
Press Release Marvel Comics and Wizard World, Inc. (OTCBB: WIZD) today revealed the latest edition…